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관절이 약해서…

“비가 오려나 봐. 뼈마디가 쑤시네” 라고 할아버지, 할머니들께서 종종 말씀하시죠.

날씨가 쌀쌀해지나 눅눅해지면, 약해진 관절 때문에 통증을 느끼는 분들이 있으실 거에요. 또 기존에 있던 지병이 갑자기 재발하기도 하고, 또 관절이 뻐근하기도 하시기도 할 거구요.

비록 과학적으로 증명되지는 않았지만, 추운 날씨가 관절에 미치는 영향에 대해 전문가들이 발표한 이론에 따르면,


춥고 눅눅한 날씨는 기압을 낮게 해서 몸의 힘줄과 근육, 연조직들을 팽창시킵니다. 이는 관절의 두께와 신경 센서에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.


날씨가 추워지면, 인체는 인체 중앙에 있는 주요 장기들로 피를 보내서 열을 유지하려고 합니다. 이로 인해 팔다리에 있는 혈관계들이 수축되어 팔이나 다리, 어깨, 무릎으로 가는 혈류에 영향을 주게 되고 근육이 뻣뻣해지게 합니다.

무릎관절이나 발목, 엉덩이 부근이 근육이 뻣뻣해 지게 되는 주요한 신체부위입니다.

몸을 계속 움직여주세요

해가 짧아지고 기온이 떨어질수록 운동을 하기가 더 어려워집니다. 그럴수록 점점 더 관절은 뻣뻣해지게 될텐데요, 여기 뻣뻣해지는 관절에 도움을 줄 수 있는 몇가지 팁이 있습니다.

  • 주변환경을 개선해서 몸을 따뜻하게 유지시켜주세요.
  • 운동하기 전과 후에는 간단하게 스트레칭을 하셔서 모든 근육과 관절을 유연하게 만드세요.
  • 바깥이 너무 추울 때에는 실내 운동을 하셔도 좋습니다.
  • 건강한 체중을 유지하여 관절의 체중 부하를 줄이세요.
  • 건강한 식단을 섭취하고 긍정적인 마인드를 유지하세요.

헬스2000코리아에서 판매하는 Lighthouse 고강도 터머릭 울트라 제품은 관절의 편안함과 유연성을 유지하는데 도움이 되는 curcuWIN과 생강으로 만들어진 고강도 터머릭 강화 보충제입니다.

터머릭 울트라 18500안에 들어있는 CurcuWin은 일반적인 커큐민보다 신체흡수율이 46배나 높으며, 생강은 혈액 순환을 돕고 관절을 편안하게 하는 영양소입니다.


Feeling out of joint?

Did you ever hear your grandmother say “there’s a storm coming, I can feel it in my joints”?

When it gets cold and damp, you may notice a change in your joints. Pre-existing conditions may flare up, or you might notice mild joint stiffness.

Although not scientifically proven, experts have a few theories on how the cooler weather can have an effect on joint comfort for some people.


Theory number one

The cooler, damp weather can bring lower barometric pressure – this may cause your tendons, muscles and soft tissue to expand. It may also have an effect on the thickness of joint fluid and nerve sensitivity.


Theory number two

When the weather is cooler, your body will aim to conserve heat by sending blood to the main organs in the centre of your body. This in turn causes blood vessels to constrict in the extremities, restricting blood flow to areas such as your arms, legs, shoulders and knees which can be the cause of stiffness.

Your load-bearing areas (knee joints, ankles and hips) are some of the most common places to feel stiffness.


Keep moving

With the temperature dropping and the light fading in the evenings, your regular exercise regime may be becoming a struggle. Combine that with more noticeable joint stiffness and you may be questioning your routine and contemplating whether you should stop for a few months until spring time.

Here are a few tips to help support your joints through these colder months:

  • Keep yourself warm to improve circulation
  • Warm up and stretch properly before and after a workout, ensuring all muscles and joints are limber
  • If it is really cold outside, consider taking your exercise indoors
  • Maintain a healthy weight to decrease weight-bearing stress on your joints
  • Use foam rollers and heat packs after exercise
  • Eat a healthy diet and keep a positive outlook.

One of the other things you can do to support your joint health during these cooler months is to take a turmeric supplement. Lighthouse Turmeric Ultra 18500 is formulated with curcuWIN™ and ginger that may help to support comfort and flexibility of joints.

The curcumin within the raw spice turmeric is not well absorbed when eaten in the diet. Because of this, curcuWIN™ was designed as a specialised nutrient delivery system that increases absorption of total curcuminoids 46X over standard curcumin. Ginger is a support nutrient for circulation and supporting joint comfort.

*HEALTH2000 뉴질랜드 본사 웹사이트에 명시된 내용입니다.
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The balance between good and bad

By Ben Smyth The festive season now seems to have extended from late November with work parties, catching up with friends, kids’ school and extracurricular events all happening earlier to fit in before Christmas! Then it extends until the end of January with school holidays and time off work.

Where you may have been really good before with your diet, you may tend to relax your attitude to certain foods and increase your overall food intake over Christmas and New Year, and justify it as, “Hey, it’s Christmas!”

For a small amount of time, you can usually cope with feeling full all the time and putting up with the odd digestive issue, but six to eight weeks of poor eating might kick start indigestion, reflux, bloating, and just not feeling well in general.

This has become the new norm. It’s not easy to be strict with your diet at this time!

During the festive season, you may need extra digestive support to assist for when you overeat or overindulge in foods that don’t regularly agree with you. Taking a broad-spectrum, high-dose probiotic on a daily basis can help to repopulate beneficial flora, as your gut flora may be disrupted with an increased intake of rich, processed foods.

Lighthouse Probiotic 75 Billion contains 12 well-researched strains of beneficial bacteria that help restore and maintain a healthy gut flora balance to support digestive and immune health.

This high-dose formula contains colony forming units which are active, live organisms capable of living under the proper circumstances and forming beneficial colonies, contained within a delayed-release vege capsule that is resistant to the acidic environment found in your stomach and small intestine.

Delayed-release vege capsules help provide efficient delivery of the probiotics within your intestinal tract to their target area, keeping the capsule intact for longer.

  • Be a little more prepared so you choose carefully from what’s on offer.
  • Eat before you go to an event so you are not as tempted.
  • Mentally set some limits – treat yourself, but be accountable for your choices and allow a balance of treats and healthy choices.


Always read the label and take as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional. Lighthouse Health Distributors Limited, Hamilton.

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Feeling stuffy this spring?


Feeling stuffy this spring?

It is the time of the year when the weather is getting warmer. The trees and flowers are blooming, but pollen-loaded plants are a nightmare for many New Zealanders. Unfortunately, these people have an unusual reaction to allergens like pollen, which would normally be a harmlessly-inhaled substance.

For many, these unusual reactions start when they are children, most often developing before the age of 10 years. The exception to this may be pregnancy where women often become more sensitive to their environment. Signs of sensitivity may be irritation in your eyes and nose and the frequent need for tissues.

All of this is due to an immune system imbalance, where your immune system gets confused and starts to react to normal things in your environment. When an environmental substance, like pollen, is inhaled and comes into contact with the walls of your nasal passages, your body sees it as a foreign body.

When looking for support in this area, it is often difficult to find solutions that are suitable for children, women who are pregnant and breastfeeding, and those taking medications.

This is where Clinicians AllerStop comes in. This unique, fast-acting, chewable tablet works within 15 minutes. The tablets come in a handy foil pack, which makes them easy to pop in your bag in case of sudden allergen issues.

AllerStop is a one-of-a kind, natural solution providing immediate support, but how does it work? Containing only one active ingredient, AllerStop’s secret to success is a special ovomucoid protein from quail eggs. Quail eggs are notably smaller than duck and chicken eggs, but have a nutritional value four times higher than the latter and present superior protein quality.

The ancient Chinese were among the first to discover the health benefits of quail eggs, but centuries later in the early 1970s, a French doctor observed that farmers raising a particular species of Japanese quail seemed to have better tolerance to allergens.

Since then, a more scientific approach has been taken with several supporting studies to create AllerStop. Studies show the quail proteins provide support by coming between the offending allergen and your nasal linings, so they don’t provoke your immune system.

Since AllerStop is such a natural product, it is suitable for children three years and older, and for long-term use for people who react to environmental substances like dust, pets, and mould all year round. So, if you are looking for a well-tolerated product for all the family as spring and summer arrive, try Clinicians AllerStop.

Did you know? AllerStop contains quail egg powder which comes between irritants before they affect your nasal tissues.

Always read the label and take as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional. Douglas Pharmaceuticals Limited, Auckland.

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Fire your cells into spring


Fire your cells into spring

By Ben Smyth, Naturopath

Spring is now in its second month! While it may still feel cooler, the days are getting lighter. If you are still in hibernation mode after winter, now is the time to shake off the cold weather inactivity.

It’s the classic time of the year to look at spring cleaning your body and changing your diet to more seasonal options. Now is a great time to step up your activity or start back up again.

“What can you take for energy?” is one of the most frequently asked questions in Health 2000 stores, and the answer can vary for each person. Once you consider and adjust the main lifestyle contributors like diet, hydration, healthy sleep and minimising stress, you can add some supplementation to assist in producing and sustaining energy levels while you start your new exercise routine.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a supplement that can be taken daily to combat energy loss and general fatigue. It is a vitamin-like compound that all cells need to make energy. This production of energy occurs in your mitochondria – the power generators in your cells – and acts as nature’s ‘spark plug.’

CoQ10 is produced within your body. However, this process peaks in your twenties and then drops off quite rapidly as you age. The level of CoQ10 in each of your main organs – your liver, kidney, lungs and heart – declines at a different rate with your heart having about 42 percent by the age of 80. With this lack of production and the rapid decline, it’s no wonder that waning energy levels are an issue as you age.

Supplementing with CoQ10 can top up your levels and slow the decline of this vital nutrient, increasing energy production and its antioxidant protection. As CoQ10 assists in producing cellular energy and intense exercise has been shown to reduce CoQ10 levels, many athletes supplement with CoQ10 as part of their nutritional regime to support performance, muscle function, and rapid recovery post training.

As a powerful antioxidant formula, Lighthouse CoQ10 350mg supports energy production while increasing your absorption of other essential nutrients. It is shown to help recycle vitamins C and E, further maximising the effects of vitamins and antioxidants that are already at work in your body. In addition to CoQ10, this formula contains vitamin D3 which studies suggest may also assist in improving muscle function and fatigue. Vitamin D3 also provides support for your cardiovascular and immune system, absorption of calcium, and a healthy mood.

CoQ10 is beneficial for:

  • High-performance athletes
  • The ageing population
  • Those taking statins
  • Those with a family history of heart issues.


Always read the label and take as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional. Lighthouse Health Distributors Limited, Hamilton.